The Western Alliance

TWA Raiding Group Guide

A dedicated raiding group within the kin formed in January 2021 with the aim of cracking harder endgame content. Raid-group (or RG) raids will be posted alongside our regular more casual raiding program.

This group is open to all full kin members. The philosophy of this group will be open, honest, constructive criticism, so we ensure standards are set and met as we strive to crack harder content; whilst ensuring we all have fun along the way! Priority for RG raids will go to RG characters, but all kin members can sign-up if available.

Original RG announcement:

Current roster:

How do I join the group?

1. Express your interest by contacting one of the Officers or Raid-Leaders.

In the interest of full transparency, a public list of players and their characters who have expressed interest will be kept. As much as possible, we are looking to raid with players on their mains, or one or two experienced alts.

2. Make sure your character meets the minimum requirements:

Bare minimums for consideration to raid group:

  • Availability:
    • Discovery and access to latest content
    • Participation in TWA raids
    • Usual start time is 8pm GMT for a minimum of 2 hours (raid leader’s discretion)
    • RG raids will be scheduled on Friday and/or Tuesday
  • A healthy base morale (double for tanks). Currently >330k
  • A good understanding of how your class works, and what roles you may be expected to fill during a raid
  • Mentality:
    • At higher tiers it’s important to be focused. The margin for error is small. In practice, this means bringing a good attitude to the content – having the consumables, having the gear, reading the tactics first and concentrating on the fight. It also means continuously seeking to improve – gear, builds and rotations. The content is fun, but it does require effort on your part.
  • Raid consumables:
    • Food and snacks
    • Hope and Scrolls
    • Disease/Fear/Poison/Wound Pots
    • Morale and Power Potions
    • Ithilharn rolls and Scrolls of the Minas Ithil Guard

Goals for improvement:

  • Maxed LI’s for required roles
  • Maximum trait points
  • Working towards maxed virtues
  • Capped primary stats for your class
  • Understanding of latest raid mechanics

If you are looking for advice on your character, or a discussion on how to bridge any gaps in rotation or gear, our class-leaders are always more than happy to help:

:Beorning: Zlin
:Burglar: Glinto, Zlin
:Captain: Skulrod, Eresmir
:Champion: Eresmir
:Guardian: Arohtar
:Hunter: Kairos, Belegwe
:Loremaster: Belegwe
:Minstrel: Eresmir
:Runekeeper: Zlin, Glinto
:Warden: Chrysamere, Skulrod

3. Your character will be brought along on RG raids on a trial basis

We commit to give as much constructive feedback as possible.
New players will be limited to 2-3 per run depending on the content, as we look to keep momentum and experience in the fight.

4. Membership decisions

Membership decisions will be based on group feedback and character performance. We pledge to help any dedicated member make the grade!

1 Comment

April 16, 2021
Have all of the requirements for Rimrock (Hunter) and Skargil (red RK) but want to compare rotations

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