Council Meeting

Published: Written by: Eresmir






Arohtar, Belegwe, Kairos, Sabraeil, Zlin






  • Crucio opened the meeting by welcoming the new (Sabraeil and Zlin) and returning officers to the council.
  • Changes to the constitution. Crucio stated his intention to refresh and modernise the wording of the constitution, reflecting changes to the game and our platforms over the past 5 years (word “forum” to be replaced with “discord”, etc.).  These language changes, of which Crucio will keep a log, will not require a referendum but will be subject to council approval.

Proposal to increase council term length from 4 to 9 months. Initially 12 was suggested, but Zlin pointed out that might affect seasonal players if the election was at the same time every year.  To be put to referendum.

(Thoronthor joined meeting)

Clarification on role of an Elder. An honorary officer, not a council member, no voting privileges.  Wording of constitution will be altered slightly to clarify.
Crucio listed the current Elders: Meth, Thor, Bel, Kai, Ingaras and Eres. Eresmir clarified that although he had previously been elected leader of the kinship, he had never been formally nominated an Elder by the council. Crucio proposed an immediate quorum on the matter (as Bel and Kai had not yet joined meeting), and Eresmir was confirmed as an Elder unopposed.

  • PvMP. Arohtar requested that the PvMP channel be moved from the “class discussions” to the “LotRO” category on discord.  Clarified that PvMP discussion was not limited to/or focused on “The Brothers Grimm”, more a general PvMP channel.
  • Raiding. Discussed the inevitable Remmorchant fatigue. Eresmir suggested moving on from a T1 focus (once all active raiders had the deed) to focus on Anvil T2 and higher tier Remmorchant.  Higher tier runs will focus on set-piece loot acquisition rather than T2 completion for the moment.
  • Recruitment.  Zlin suggested the kinship commence active recruitment. Crucio and Eresmir agreed that this is a priority, but reiterated that we were waiting on Discord/Website changes.

(Kairos joined)

  • Discord/Website changes.  Crucio posted a link to the test server for Discord changes.  Discussion was held around the wording for the new introduction channel.  Arohtar and Eresmir thought it to heavy-handed, and Eresmir and Sabraeil agreed to rewrite it.  It was agreed that ‘Friends of the West’ (FotW) should not be an option for an invitee to select, rather something bestowed on guest raiders who impress.  The selected role options will be limited to guest raiders and initiates.

Crucio also asked for feedback on the new website which is live but not finished.  He had also restored the archived forums.  It was agreed useful articles from the old forums will be transferred across when the website is ready; otherwise the archived forums will remain as read-only.

(Belegwe joined)

  • Discord names and raidbot.  It was agreed that server nicknames on Discord should match the main in-game character of the player.  Arohtar and Eresmir changed their names accordingly.Kairos asked could the raidbot be edited to select specific bosses for a given raid.  Crucio said that was already a feature of the bot, and offered to demonstrate how to do it.
  • Kinhall move.  The council is generally in favour of moving the kinhall from the Bree-land homesteads to an island in Belfalas.  Issues would be Island kinhall availability, payment (mithril coins could be purchased by Crucio, with donations via the TWA paypal account), and maintenance of the current kinhall.  At present in-game, unlike premium houses where more than one is permitted per player, a kinship can only have one kinhall.  The council do not want to lose 1 High Road for sentimental/historic reasons, so Arohtar proposed forming a pseudo-kinship, named “Friends of the West”, that could acquire it and maintain it.  Thoronthor offered to rename his old kinship and purchase 1 High Road if TWA vacated it.  Arohtar agreed to look at the logistics behind the move, with a definitive vote at the next council meeting following discussion with the membership.
  • Belegwe mentioned chairs for the kinhall. Arohtar stated that there were currently 13 chairs in the main kinhall chamber, but that a move to a larger kinhall in Belfalas, with more decoration hooks, would allow for more.

ction Points


  • Crucio to commence work on constitution wording changes.
  • Referendum to change term length to 9 months.
  • PvMP channel move on Discord. Completed by Eresmir.
  • New Discord introduction channel changes.  Eresmir and Sabraeil to draft.
  • Crucio to continue work on new website.
  • Arohtar to look at logistics behind kinhall move.  Membership to be consulted on same.
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